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Monday, June 13, 2005

It's That Time Again...

Saddam grilled over 1982 killings

1982 killings expected to give Saddam "a unique flavor, smoky with a hint of genocide"

Vatican flexes muscle in Italy

Men in Italian Gym give Vatican their phone numbers

Roger Waters Reunites with Pink Floyd for Live 8

Concert Promoter Manages to Convince Waters, Gilmore That It's Just a Flashback

Tyson can't beat Father Time

Or Any Prizefighters, Either

Destiny's Child Announces Split

Now Known As "Destiny's Formerly Conjoined Twins"

Obesity, smoking accelerate ageing

Now, if we could just get Moore and O'Donnell to light up, they might die of old age early...

Calcium, vitamin D combat premenstrual ills-study

In related news, thousands of women admitted to hospitals for choking after being force-fed vitamin-enriched whole milk by husbands

Umpire calls bad headline rule...

N.C. Surgeons Unwittingly Used Dirty Tools

Yet Another 'Make Up A Joke In The Comments' Headline...

Keep it relatively clean, please. Young eyes may be reading....

Italians stay at home for fertility referendum

Prefer to keep fertility matters in the bedroom

First impressions of the A380: an imposing beast

With seven heads, and ten horns...wait, i already used that one...

'Rocky' Earth-Like Planet Discovered

Stallone thrilled

No 'freedom' on MSN in China?
Microsoft cooperates with Beijing's censorship of forbidden words

Microsoft would like to censor words like 'open source', 'Linux' here in America

Nokia reaching out and touching Apple, other partners

Sexual Harrassment suit filed against Nokia

Growing Old Is Hard to Do

No, It Isn't. All You Have to Do is Wake Up Every Morning

well, on that note, just having had a birthday recently, i'll let you get on with your lives.

assuming that you have one, since you are reading my blog after all!

for more headline funny, please visit basil's, Moe's, and Dane's sites.

and, a new headline junkie, The Capitalist, has found his voice...

thanks, y'all!