if you are not already...
Pray for New Orleans.
thanks, that is all.
Coffee 'better than veg'
A question that deserves to be answered
i avoided taking road trips while i was quitting smoking, since driving anywhere more than a mile was a big trigger to light up. driving 100 miles round trip to the nearest Wal-mart was at least 1/2 pack of smokes.
Florida State Can Keep Its Seminoles
well, it's been 10 weeks now, 2 without the patch on. didn't think that last little 3rd step patch had much nicotine in it, but boy howdy...what a difference it made without it for the first week!
today marks 2 months since i smoked my last cigarette. it also marks my first day without the patch.
well, actually the seven week mark will be tomorrow, but i won't be near a computer.